5 Things You Should Never Do When Purchasing a Home

The market in Buffalo is extremely competitive. If you’re ready to make the jump into purchasing a home, it’s important to avoid these mistakes. 1. Don’t shop without an agent You don’t have to start your search with an agent. It’s okay to look online at homes you might be interested in and it can […]

Three Basic Steps To Pricing Your Home Right

How much is my home worth? Answering this question is a top priority if you want to sell your home. The best way to find that magical price point is by following these three steps: Utilize a real estate agent’s expertise Real estate agents are trained and experienced in  finding the optimum prices for properties […]

5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make When Selling Your Home

Don’t turn off potential buyers! Even in a hot market, you could be your own worst enemy. If you’re looking to sell take every step to make sure your home sells. Overpricing Many people overestimate the value of their homes. There are so many factors that come into play when pricing a property, it’s important […]

Have Bad Credit? A Mortgage is Still Possible

  The terms “mortgage loan” and “bad credit” don’t really carry a positive connotation. But, even with a score of 620, and perhaps lower, you might be able to obtain a mortgage loan… You might just have to do a little extra work to make it happen. You can’t do much without knowing what your […]

Relocating to a New Area? Here’s How to Make It Go Smoothly

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The last thing that you want to do is choose the wrong neighborhood to live in when buying a home. But making the move to an area that you’re not entirely familiar with poses multiple risks. You’re not only making a financial commitment that could come back to bite you, but you’re making a […]

Beefing Up Your Finances to Buy a House: The Millennial Edition!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s no secret that we’re a special kind of people- Millennials. We don’t want the same things our parents did, and that doesn’t always sit well with them. No white picket fence; our generation does things a little differently. So when we finally decide to buy our first homes, it’s going to take a different […]

7 Ways to Get Top Dollar for Your Home During the Off-Season

This fall and winter will not witness the same record-setting selling as the summer of 2015 did. Although less and less homes are going on the market, you should not consider this an obstacle when selling your own home. The less homes on the market in your area, the better your chances are to sell […]